We've had some good experiences this week. Last Monday we rode the subway, they call it the "T", to Boston. Someone in the ward had free tickets to Fenway Park, so we decided it was a good opportunity to go. Just getting on the T was an experience in itself. We knew what stop to get off but then we had no idea what we were going to do. We had to switch trains & when we did, this tall black guy let me have his seat. He & Rod got to talking & come to find out he lived just across the street from Fenway so he said we could walk with him. We would have NEVER found it unless we asked every couple of blocks. It was sure a blessing we found him. With his long legs we were almost running to keep up. Rod told him we were missionaries from the Church working in the Mormon Temple in Belmont & we were from Alaska. It is amazing how many conversations start up when we mention Alaska. It would be nice if they were as interested when we mention the church, but at least when we talk about Alaska they are always interested & we are able to have good conversations.
Anyway, back to Fenway Park. It was fun to be there knowing that's where Babe Ruth was. It didn't look as big as I thought it would be but I guess I was comparing it to the Kingdome. It is the oldest operating stadium & it has the big green wall that they call the "Green Monstah". Anyway, that's how they pronounce it. It was a fun day & we felt proud of ourselves that we rode the T & survived.
One of the couples that works in the Temple has been to Israel several times. They had a mini fireside & we were invited. We got to see some of their slides. It was very interesting. They are getting ready to go on a mission & they are hoping to be able to go back. We would love to go to Israel sometime but I would have to study more about the life of Christ before we go.
Saturday night the youth from Boston 1st Ward came to the Temple to do baptisms. We got permission to turn off the phones at 8, so that we could go down & watch them. It was a neat experience. Sunday when we went to church they recognized us & we were able to talk to them easier. There is one sister at church that is so shy. I sat by her last week & she barely talked. This week when we walked into the chapel she smiled & waved. When I went over to talk to her she was so cute.
I wanted to tell about what happens when we are singing at church. Have you ever felt like you were singing the wrong verse. That's how I feel all the time. It finally dawned on me that it's because English & Spanish are being sung similtaneously. It's a different experience.
Sunday night we went to the baptism of the Harvard professor. It was a special experience. He spoke after he got baptized. He will be a strong member of the church.
We are amazed at how many colleges & universities there are here. We are out of our league. We thought it might be interesting to let you know about some of them. They are: Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, UMass, Boston U., Tufts U., Bentley U., Wellesley, Boston College, Brandeis U., Northeastern U., & others I have never heard of.
Yesterday we had a fun day. We went to John Alden & Priscilla Mullins home & grave sites. John Alden was the first Pilgrim to step off the Mayflower onto American soil. Their home is a National Historic Landmark. There are engraved bricks on the walkway from donations. We saw some from a Potter family, a Metcalf & First Lady Barbara Bush. It was cool knowing that I am a direct descendant of theirs. I am their 10th great-granddaughter. John Aldens grave is where he is buried but they don't know exactly where Priscilla is buried so they just have a headstone next to him. Duxbury is a beautiful little community & is close to the ocean. We walked along the beach & I put my feet in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a beautiful day but we decided to go to Plymouth Rock another time.
As I was reading this week I came across the quote that our dead cannot be saved without us & we without our dead cannot be saved. I have thought a lot about that. I know that we are doing the saving ordinances for our dead because they can't do it for themselves. I'm not sure how we can't be saved without our dead, but I know it is a blessing to do their work & I feel a great love for our ancestors & all they did for us.
Our doctrinal instruction for last week was, "Add to your faith Patience". Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: "To fill the measure & purpose of our mortal probation, we must have patience. This mortal existence is the Lord's sifting sphere, the time when we are subject to trials, testing, & tribulations. Future rewards will be based on our patient endurance of all things."
We send our love!
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